What's in a Theory?


Now that we have read the previous blog and watched the video, we have realized that the world as we known it to be ended in 2012. We shifted into another reality, with slight changes on this timeline. What
we have to ask ourselves is what happened on December 21st 2012, and how did we move instantly from the old reality to the new reality?


Many blame the end of the world on CERN, and their particle experiments. Considering that CERN started conducting these experiments on September 10th, 2008 and the first Mandela Effects appeared in 2009 this is very plausible.

It could be that CERN opened a sort of wormhole between two close realities. Things started leaking into our world, and a select few of us were able to see these changes. No one believed us of course, and these memories of the old reality was deemed “false memories”. Then when they discovered the “God” particle in 2012, it triggered the end of the world. Yet, instead of dying we were sucked through the wormhole created by CERN into this alternate reality much like our old world.

That’s one theory, but when you think about it, it’s unlikely. Why did a massive group of people see these changes when no one else seems to notice. 


The other theory of course is religion. The world has ended, and Tribulation has begun. In other words we have a front row seat to the Apocalypse. There are two things you need to do in order to understand this theory entirely. The first thing we want you to do is to listen to Conversations with God. Once you listen to this book, you come to realize what god really is, and what they are not. The other thing we want you to do is to read Revelation, whether you are religious or not.

The theory is that we are smack dab in the middle of the apocalypse and that the events of 2012 signified that. Keep in mind that during this time, the world will be ruled by corruption and the Anti-Christ. Besides the bizarre events can you think of anything else that happened in 2012?

Strange rituals at the opening of the Olympics had people talking about the Illuminati coming into power. We find it curious that these two events took place the same year. It can’t be a coincidence.

Our theory is that we are in the middle of the apocalypse, and the people of the United States, Britain, and the Commonwealth are the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel. (We will elaborate on this in another blog) He knows where we are, and that we are blinded by “Darkness”. This is due to the corruption of the political and religious leaders here, and us not being taught or guided by the true religion. The good news is that, "You don’t have to go to church to be spiritual."

Our theory is that the events that ended our world, triggered the apocalypse. But, then why haven’t groups of people vanished into thin air? Why are we all still here? Revelation is metaphoric, we are all here still because we are all meant to witness these events as they unfold, and take a true spiritual journey. If this theory has any basis to it, we descend from the lost tribes, and have a relatively small window to take the spiritual journey and find our own way back to “God”. Make sense?

The truth is to find God, you don’t search without, you search within. Once you make the choice to search within yourself, you’ll find God. Because no one needs to tell you what God is, you already know, you just chose to forget because that’s the biggest gift God gave us, the power of choice. 

Already Dead

We know in our hearts that the world as we knew it is gone. We seen the video of the news clips, and watched it slowly die. They say that when we die, there is a window of 7 minutes after death in which we “dream”, and in the dream state 7 minutes can equal years. The theory suggests that we all died on December 21st, 2012, and we are in those seven minutes of limbo together. The theory goes that the Mandela Effects and the glitches are trying to wake us up to the fact we are dead and we are dreaming.

Whether you blame Science or Religion whatever the case, the world as we known it is gone. The old reality is just a memory, and it’s time to let go of the old, and embrace the new. Because, we aren’t there anymore.

Get Prepared

Firstly, follow our blog and read our daily posts. Secondly, read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Listen to Conversations with God, and read Revelation. Out of the three theories, we are betting on the apocalypse theory. In truth, it’s the only one that makes sense.

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein: for the time is at hand.” - Revelation 1:3


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