The Apocalypse: Theory and Opinions Revelation 1-3
Before we start we want to make it clear that we are not a prophet, we are not claiming to be a prophet, and everything found within this blog post is a theory and opinions based on that theory. The theory is that the world ended in 2012, due to the beginning of the apocalypse and we are living out the final chapters of Revelation. In order to understand this theory fully, you must start with reading Revelation. We will go through all chapters of Revelation, and compare it with our opinions on what’s going on. Please keep in mind that the Book of Revelation is metaphoric, and doesn’t simply mean we are all going to “die”. It just means a new change is coming, the wicked will be punished, and the rest of us will have a life without suffering, with Jesus as our leader. Keep in mind also, that Revelation came to John in a dream like state, he recorded what he saw, but dreams are metaphoric and jumbled. Things likely don’t take place in chronological order, and some of the...