The Statue of Liberty: Torch Evidence?


If you have vivid memories about being on the torch, you are not alone. Many people have been claiming that they have visited the torch. However, in this reality, the torch has been closed since 1916, when the Black Tom Explosion damaged it. 

This means that after it was installed in 1885, there was only thirty-one years that the balcony was open to the public. Old photographs depict people on the balcony, even before installation. 

These old photos will give you an idea of what the torch looked like. 

Even though they claim that they moved the old torch, and replaced it, it remains closed to the public. The only people allowed on the torch is workers. However, if that's the case why do so many people remember going up there before the events of 2012?

Just like with other Mandela's they explain it off by claiming that we are misremembering, and were climbing the staircase to the crown! We believe we have found evidence proving that people have been on the torch. We compared these photographs, with images taken from the torch cam. We however, found evidence that the torch cam was installed in 2011. 

Here is the photograph we took from the torch cam:

Now, here are two photos that were posted in October of 2013:

We understand that we could be wrong, that these photographs could be taken from the torch cam. However, are they? No one had heard of the Black Tom Explosion nor of it damaging the Statue of Liberty prior to 2012. We didn't learn about this in schools in the US or in Canada. Considering that this would have been a major terrorist attack on US Soil, and having a national landmark damaged in the process, you think everyone would have known. 

Yet, when we heard the torch had been closed for 107 years, we were surprised. Especially, considering they replicated the torch back in 1984, and replaced it. To put things into a broader perspective for you, I was born in 1983, and yet I have memories of seeing the original torch in her hand, and not this gold one. How could I have memories of this torch if it was removed when I was a year old. Here is a comparison of both torches:

Now, here's something else to get you thinking about this. If the torch on the left is the original and the one on the right without the windows is the new torch, and it was installed in 1985. Then why is it that I remember the Statue of Liberty lit up?

If the torch was replaced in 1985, I shouldn't have memories of this. But I do. 

However, in my lifetime, because the original torch was replaced before I was old enough to remember it, the statue doesn't light up.


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